Salvation army:
unlook of the day
Solidarity is in fashion
Concepting, advertising, social media
Salvation Army
The Salvation Army is a renowned institution that receives donations of clothes for its charitable bazaars. The problem is that people often end up donating clothes in a bad state, which makes them impossible to sell.
In order to stimulate the donation of clothes in good condition for the Salvation Army we launched the #unlookdodia campaign.
The campaign brings together fashion and solidarity to stimulate donations of clothes in good condition, all with a digital language, inspired by the hashtag #lookoftheday, made popular by fashion bloggers. To participate, people had just to post a photo with the look to be donated, using the hashtag
#unlookdodia. Soon, the Salvation Army would get in touch and arrange the pick up.
We launched the campaign on the first winter day and it kept it running during all the season. The result:
+75% increase in donations
compared to the previous year :-)